Given the large number of ads published in real time on online sales sites, you may surely have difficulty finding the rare pearl. Faced with this problem, one of the indications is to consult the reviews left by customers in order to make sure of the reliability of the seller. Another is to negotiate prices reasonably or risk getting caught up in a scam. That being only a prevention, now discover some tips on how to unearth nuggets on the Internet.
Use filters
To refine your search and save time, one of the best options is to use filters by specifying the color, brand, paint or size, not to mention especially the condition of the fabric you want to find. Continue reading at That's why it is advisable to always check in the search bar "very good condition" and "with (or without) label". This way you are sure to find items of unsuspected quality. If you are looking for a product whose brand is not so important, you should type in the style of the article with keywords like "romantic top" or "baguette bag" for example. Basically, using the filters will help you highlight ads built around these terminologies in their description.
Save your searches
When you have been searching for a long time for a particular brand of high waisted jeans or rather leather perfecto without success, it is out of question to despair. The best alternative is to save your search by clicking on the little icon on the dexter side of the search bar. This way, each and every time you go to the "search" tab again, you will effortlessly find the number of newly published ads in the category "high waisted jeans" or "leather perfecto". Other tips include subscribing to influencers' profiles and bookmarking brands.